The Information Services Directory of VÁTI (City-Building Scientific and Planning Institution) Non-profit Ltd. is planning the development of
- a teaching app with open-source code, implemented in the E-learning framework
- and a teaching video with narration
for the Countrywide Regional Development and Spatial Planning Information System (TeIR).
Spatial development and planning are activities that shape the environment and have a significant impact on our habitat. It is important to know precisely the physical characteristics of our environment, man-made facilities and natural elements, in addition to demographic and social and economic processes, when preparing development concepts, programs, settlement plans and making policy decisions following professional work.
The data presenting the mentioned sectors are territorial. During the performance of development and planning tasks, it is necessary to examine the sectoral information in a stationary and synthesized way, as this is the only way to carry out well found analyses. Appropriate decisions can only be made on the basis of programs and plans based on sufficiently prepared analyses.
Geospatial systems are suitable for storing, quickly displaying and complex analysis stationary information, therefore the use of geospatial information is an indispensable requirement for information systems that are being prepared today and are designed to present our environment.
The purpose of the Countrywide Regional Development and Spatial Planning Information System (TeIR) is to:
- enable the cognition of the country's population, economy, built, landscape and condition of natural environment, its changes to be monitored and compared to the European Union,
- provide information by displaying the data, and the indicators, analyses collected during the data’s processing, as well as by presenting land development, spatial planning, municipal/urban development and settlement plans, text and map documents,
- assist governmental, regional, zonal, county, micro-regional, municipal development and settlement, other regional and sectoral planning, development and control bodies in preparing and taking regional development and spatial planning decisions; by continuously monitoring changes in the territorial characteristics of society, the economy and the environment, in analysing the impact of decisions and in drawing up spatial and urban development and spatial and urban planning plans,
- provide information to regional, zonal, county and micro-regional development councils and their working organizations, as well as multipurpose micro-regional associations, to carry out planning, program management, the evaluation of applications and monitoring activities
for central, territorial and local administrations, other legal entities, unincorporated companies and natural persons.
The legislative framework for the operation of the TeIR is set out in Act XXI of 1996 on Territorial Development and Spatial Planning and Act No 31/2007 on the Information System for Regional Development and Spatial Planning and the Mandatory Disclosure Order (II.28.) It's a government decree. The scope of the data which can be found in the system is detailed in the annexes to the Government Decree.
TeIR is a web-based IT system whose services are available over the Internet. National, regional (regional, priority regional, county, regional) and municipal organizations join the TeIR's unified database through the application system (user interface). The TeIR system has a number of applications that are not subject to registration and are therefore accessible to anyone. Applications available without registration work on the Térport portal.