Video AI and machine learning solutions for various purposes
Security Technology
With machine learning, security technology can be taken to a new level: we can classify, count and filter the vehicles and people that appear in the camera image; you can recognize faces or receive notifications when certain objects appear. Learn more

Livestock Production
Not only can livestock be counted using computer vision, but diseases can also be detected and identified early by machine analysis of movement patterns. For example, machine learning helps to spot cattle lameness early. Learn more
Crop Production
Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can identify and count plants, and classify crops by size, weight, and color. Learn more
Health Care Sector
Artificial intelligence can be of great help to physicians in imaging diagnostics. For example, the system is suitable for high-precision grouping of various skin lesions and contributes to the elimination of misdiagnosis. Learn more

SpaML_ nevű, mesterséges intelligencia (MI) alapú e-mail ellenőrző rendszerünk új dimenziót nyit a spamszűrés és -kezelés terén. A SpaML_ az MI legújabb fejlesztéseinek felhasználásával képes tanulni, és alkalmazkodni az egyedi felhasználói szokásokhoz. A felhasználóknak csupán annyi a dolguk, hogy a kéretlen leveleket a spam mappába helyezzék, ahol a rendszer automatikusan elemzi őket, és tanul a jellemzőikből. Tovább...

Downloadable publications
Zsolt Lengyel: Machine Learning Basics (presentation), 18 April, 2023 (in Hungarian, clicking on the link downloads the PPT file)